Defense Medical Examinations
Posted Monday, June 1, 2015 by Chris Thayer
A personal injury lawyer Seattle WA may warn you that you may have to undergo a medical examination to be performed by a doctor hired by the defendant. You may receive some of the following advice on this process:
Answer Questions Honestly
While it is important that you understand that the doctor examining you is ultimately working for the defendant, it is important that you answer all questions honestly. If the information is on a form, be sure that you provide accurate information on your medical history. Do not attempt to fake symptoms.
Ask for Clarification
Your personal injury lawyer Seattle WA may advise you to ask for clarification if you are confronted with a confusing question. If you do not understand the question being asked of you, say so. Do not answer questions hastily.
Do Not Volunteer Information
Although you must be honest, do not provide more information than is necessary to achieve this goal. Any information can be used against you in your case.
Be Prepared
The doctor may ask you about other hospitalizations or prior conditions. If these conditions are not related to your current injury, say so.
Say What You Can or Can’t Do
Pain is one of the most complex issues in litigation because it is subjective and hard to accurately describe. It may be easier for you to discuss the activities that you can and can’t do as a result of the accident. In this context, you can also discuss the location of the pain and its frequency. Let the doctor know about activities that you can no longer enjoy due to the pain. Provide enough details that show your true feelings.
Legal Assistance
If you would like more information about defense medical examinations, contact injury lawyer Seattle Chris Thayer by calling (866) 884-2417.