Depositions: What They Are and How They Are Used
Posted Thursday, December 11, 2014 by Chris Thayer
If you have received a notice stating that you will be deposed, your Seattle injury lawyer may schedule a conference with you before this deposition occurs. He or she can explain what these proceedings are and how they are used.
Background Information
Your Seattle injury lawyer may have explained that parties to a civil lawsuit usually go through a process called discovery. This process requires the parties to hand over information and answer questions that are asked and requested of them. Depositions are one tool in which the other party can learn about the other side’s case. Your deposition may occur at the office of Seattle accident attorneys who are representing you or at the defendant’s attorney’s office.
During a deposition, Seattle accident attorneys may ask you a variety of questions regarding the nature and extent of your injuries, your version of events and justification for your damages request. A court reporter records the questions and answers. Seattle accident attorneys can review the transcript of your deposition before signing off on it.
Other Depositions
Your attorney may wish to depose other individuals such as the defendant, a witness or police officer.
Purpose of Depositions
Your attorney can explain that there are several advantages to taking a deposition. For example, depositions help attorneys prepare for trial by learning what the witness will say at a trial. If a person lies during a deposition, an attorney can use it to impeach them.
If you would like to know more about depositions or the discovery process, contact Chris Thayer by calling (206) 340-2008.