Evaluating Claims: What Adjusters Look For
Posted Thursday, September 12, 2013 by Chris Thayer
When a person files an injury claim, perhaps foremost in his mind is whether the claim will succeed, and how long it will take to settle. The claims adjuster in a sense is the individual standing in the way of your settlement; as such, it is worth keeping in mind what the adjuster will look for. A Seattle personal injury attorney can help you understand what adjusters look for in evaluating claims, and which of these factors may stand between you and a swiftly-resolved claim.
A Seattle Personal Injury Attorney and Medical RecordsIf you work with a Seattle personal injury attorney, the first thing they may tell you is that insurance adjustors look for a strong correlation between your accident, injuries, and medical records. They want to see doctors’ notes that justify your disability timeframe, claims of scarring or permanent harm, and notes on pre-existing conditions or times you injured the same part of your body. In addition, they will certainly want information on whether you were intoxicated or on drugs at the time of the accident. Finally, they will seek out anything that conflicts with the original account given to them regarding the accident, or how you came to harm.
A Seattle Personal Injury Attorney Knows It Pays to Tell the TruthThis in no way means you should misrepresent your case to an adjuster — even if you think it will make them pay more for your claim. Your Seattle personal injury lawyer will have quite a problem explaining why you had two or more different accounts of what happened to cause your injuries.
Final Thoughts from a Seattle Personal Injury AttorneyFinally, every Seattle personal injury lawyer knows that insurance adjustors look closely at whether your number and type of injuries are in line with your medical bills. Adjustors often have a “gut feeling” about proportionality of medical bills to the injuries presented. Soft tissue injuries are commonly considered suspect, as they are difficult to gauge objectively. They are also some of the most common injuries adjustors feel are inflated by claimants in order to gain a large settlement.
A Seattle Personal Injury Attorney for Tough Claims AdjustersIf you have been injured in an accident because of another person’s negligence, you should seek representation from a skilled advocate. Call Seattle personal injury lawyer Chris Thayer at (206) 340-2008 today for help.