How Your Social Media Posts can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim
Posted Friday, April 10, 2020 by Chris Thayer
Personal injury attorneys are trained to find incriminating and compromising details on social media. If you are considering filing any kind of personal injury claim, it is also necessary to bear in mind that your social media pages are always available for public view. Even if you believe that by keeping your posts private you are safeguarding yourself, any family or friend can take a screenshot of your comment or tweet or photograph and then send it to anyone. Facebook posts, messages on Instagram, and tweets from Twitter may have a damaging effect on your personal injury case.
*Social Media and Your Legal Case *Your personal injury lawsuit is a significant legal matter that deserves respect. The magnitude of taking a case to trial to get money from someone else in connection with your injury is not a trivial endeavor. Opposing counsel can use your social media posts against you if you post lighthearted statements or anything inappropriate regarding your personal injury case on social media, or concerning the other participants, lawyers or the judge involved. These comments, tweets, remarks, and texts are permanent and can be retained as a screenshot forever. Make absolutely sure you do not even post on social media at all about the personal injury case until at a minimum after the case is completed.
*Pictures*Photographs on social media rarely reflect reality and daily life. Everyone knows that photos can be distorted to portray a perception far from any kind of authentic reality. With that said, nevertheless, the harsh reality is that anything that you post on social media can be discovered and used against you by the other side’s lawyer. When you report a serious personal injury, and file a lawsuit in an attempt to receive compensation, and then there are photos of you with friends partying or racing a motorbike, it will soon become questionable whether you are honest about your injuries or not.
*Never Delete Anything*Maybe you made a mistake and posted something you should never have written, or a photograph you never should have taken. While it may be tempting, never delete anything on social media you have published. The law on this subject is simple and clear. When you delete anything from your social media accounts, it is likely to be considered an obstruction to justice and an attempt to manipulate or tamper with evidence. If you choose to delete anything from social media, the evidence can be deemed intentionally destroyed, which is illegal.
*Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney *If you, or a loved one, were in any kind of accident and suffered injuries, contact an experienced car accident attorney at the Pivotal Law Group at 206-340-2008. We can help you understand your legal rights, and how you can ensure they remain protected by staying off of social media throughout your personal injury case. We proudly serve the Seattle, Bellevue, Kent, Renton, Burien, Mercer Island, and Issaquah areas.