Most St. Patrick’s Day Car Accidents Involve DUI
Posted Friday, March 4, 2022 by Chris Thayer
St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, and with it, are an astounding number of car crashes and DUIs. It is reported that there is a national 10% increase in car accidents and DUIs on St. Patrick’s Day. Accidents involving DUI can be particularly bad, and often result in fatalities. Accident victims that survive often have to cope with massive medical bills, chronic pain, an inability to work, and debilitating injuries. If you were involved in a St. Patrick’s Day car accident, it is important to stand up for yourself. It can feel hard to want to fight back when you are already suffering, but it is important to hold the liable party accountable for the harm that they caused by acting so recklessly. It is also important to make sure that you have the resources that you need to cover all of your medical costs and other expenses related to the injury. A personal injury lawsuit can help you recover from the accident financially, and ensure that you have the money that you need to afford proper care.
*Suing for a St. Patrick’s Day DUI in Washington State *If you are involved in a car accident on St. Patrick’s Day, there is a 62% chance.&text=73%3A%20People%20were%20killed%20in,life%20claimed%20every%2030%20minutes.) that the other driver was driving while impaired or under the influence. That means it is literally more likely than not that the driver who hit you is illegally impaired. It is important to look carefully for signs of intoxication in other drivers while you are on the road, and after the accident. If the other driver was swerving, driving erratically, slurring their words, or smelled of alcohol, be sure to tell police when they arrive at the scene so that they can perform all necessary sobriety tests, such as a breathalyzer.
This is relevant because if the other driver is intoxicated and charged with DUI, they will automatically be presumed liable for having caused the accident. This dramatically increases your chances of recovery by removing the obstacles that are usually required. These obstacles generally include establishing that the other driver was negligent and that their negligence caused the accident and your injuries. However, in a situation where the other driver is determined to have been driving under the influence, the doctrine of negligence per se assumes both of those elements, so you must only prove that you suffered physical and financial harm. Financial harm can be established by showing medical bills, lost wages, and any other expenses that you incurred as a result of the injury. If your injury will require care that will extend beyond the resolution of your claim, you can also receive compensation for anticipated future expenses.
*Contact the Pivotal Law Group in Seattle, Washington *If you have suffered injuries as a result of an accident with a drunk or negligent driver in Seattle, Bellevue, Kent, Renton, Burien, Mercer Island, Issaquah, or the greater Seattle area, the experienced personal injury attorneys at the Pivotal Law Group are ready to help. Contact the Pivotal Law Group today and schedule a consultation.