Testimony Tips
Posted Wednesday, June 25, 2014 by Chris Thayer
As you move through your case, your Seattle personal injury attorney may provide you with advice regarding your testimony at trial. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.
Stick to the Facts
Understanding and using only the facts in regards to laws and regulations is extremely important. Your Seattle personal injury lawyer will likely advise you to provide a clear answer to the questions that you are asked. They will also likely tell you not to promise to get information that you do not have in order to more completely answer the question.
Do Not Exaggerate Your Damages
Your Seattle personal injury attorney will also likely advise you to provide a complete and accurate explanation of your injuries and your losses. You shouldn’t try to exaggerate or stretch the truth of your injuries because this attempt can appear dishonest to the jury, which will potentially hurt your case and your chance for recovery.
Don’t Be Afraid to Say “I Don’t Know”
While it may not seem like an ideal answer, some attorneys will try to trick witnesses by asking them questions outside the scope of their knowledge. However, it is not likely that you will know every possible fact. It is fine to say so. Stay away from providing times, dates or distances if you cannot provide completely accurate, factual information. If the attorney sneaks in a particular date, time or distance, let your Seattle personal injury attorney know if this information is not accurate.
Sometimes You May Not Remember
After an accident, it may be difficult to remember every aspect of the event. If you do not remember the answer to a question, simply say so. If you do remember, you must answer with an honest and straight-forward response. Sometimes, an attorney will try to pin you down with specifics that you may simply not recall. These details may be stipulated to by other information, such as medical records or police reports.
If you would like more advice about how to provide effective testimony, contact Seattle personal injury lawyer Chris Thayer at (206) 340-2008 to set up a confidential consultation.