Tips to Help Trial Testimony
Posted Thursday, June 4, 2015 by Chris Thayer
An injury lawyer Seattle can explain that the trial represents what is likely your only chance to convey to the jury your side of the story. With this realization comes a certain degree of pressure. By taking proactive steps, you can help yourself remember the important things that you need to convey during your deposition. Additionally, you can take certain steps to help you make the best impression at trial.
Review Your Previous Answers
Review answers that you have previously given in the case, including answers to deposition questions and interrogatories.
Review Your Medical History
Likewise, review your medical history so that you can anticipate questions that the defense attorney may ask you on the subject. Review which medical providers you have seen and which facilities you have visited.
Tell the Truth
Do not exaggerate your injuries or the circumstances involved in the accident. Seattle injury lawyers can explain that exaggerations or lies will almost always come back to haunt you and damage your case.
Be Polite
Talk respectfully to each individual that you encounter. Be polite to the judge’s staff. Do not attempt to be sarcastic or funny. Address opposing counsel as “sir” or “ma’am” occasionally.
Do Not Discuss Insurance
There are special rules of evidence that discuss information that can be stated at court. These rules include information about insurance. Talking about insurance without your lawyer’s advice can potentially lead to a mistrial.
Dress Appropriately
Avoid wearing flashy clothing, a lot of jewelry or a lot of makeup. Cover any tattoos and remove any piercings. Think about what you would wear to a church function and mimic this style for what you wear to court.
Legal Assistance
If you would like more information on how to make the best impression during your trial, contact Seattle injury lawyers like Chris Thayer at (866) 884-2417.