Victims of Severe Burns
Posted Sunday, October 19, 2014 by Chris Thayer
Enduring the aftermath of a severe burn can be one of the most difficult and painful experiences a person can withstand. If you are a recent burn victim and believe another individual may be to blame for your injuries, we encourage you to contact a Seattle injury attorney right away to discuss your rights. A successful burn injury lawsuit can result in payment for medical expense, missed time from work and compensation for pain and suffering. What’s more, if you were left permanently disabled as a result of your burn injury, a lawsuit can help you recover the value of your future earnings you would have received if you could have continued working.
Burn Injuries and Product Liability
Burns are commonly associated with consumer household products, vehicles or workplace machinery. If your burn occurred as a result of your interaction with a manufactured product, it may be possible for you to recover from the product maker under the laws of product liability. In the realm of commercial manufacturing, companies are required to create goods which are reasonably safe for consumer use. Failure to adhere to this standard accompanied by the absence of a warning label could result in liability for the designer, manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer of the item.
Burn Injuries and Negligence
As your Seattle injury lawyer will explain further, burns can also occur as a result of negligence or intentional misconduct. One common example of negligence resulting in burn injuries involves the outdoor use of a grill or fire pit by a neighbor who does not take proper precautions to protect other homes from potential damage. If the fire source is left unattended or is not properly maintained and results in physical injury or property damage, the homeowner may be liable to the victim. Moreover, burn injuries occurring as a result of intentional conduct by the defendant, known as civil battery, are compensable under the laws of intentional torts and may also carry a possible punitive damages award as well.
Contact a Seattle Injury Lawyer Today
Burn injuries are some of the most catastrophic within the realm of personal injury, and a reputable Seattle injury attorney can help you recover from the financial devastation of your experience. For more information, call attorney Chris Thayer at (206) 340-2008 right away.