Washington Injury Lawyers Use of the Admission Record
Posted Monday, February 15, 2016 by Chris Thayer
Washington injury lawyers are tasked with the responsibility of obtaining various documentation that establishes the cause of their victim’s injuries and their damages. One important form that establishes this information is the hospital admission record.
Obtaining Hospital Records
In order for Washington injury lawyers to obtain your hospital record, they usually must have certain information. This includes identifying information, such as your full legal name, social security number and date of birth. Usually, your lawyer must also have a release form that you sign giving the admissions department permission to release this information. Different hospital departments may have different sets of information. For example, your rehabilitation records and x-rays are likely not stored in the same location as your admissions record. Therefore, your attorney may have to make multiple requests in order to get your medical records, even if they are all stored at the same hospital.
Use of Hospital Admission Records
Your hospital admission and other records often include a wealth of information. This may include a detailed history involving your medical treatment, including information about different healthcare providers that assisted you on the day of the accident and subsequent to it. Your medical records may also indicate previous injuries that you sustained or pre-existing conditions. Your medical records may indicate your discharge summary, progress reports and referrals to specialists.
Legal Assistance
If you would like more information about how the hospital admission record or other documents may be used in your case, contact Washington injury lawyers like Chris Thayer by calling (866) 884-2417.