Wrong-Way Car Accidents
Posted Friday, December 27, 2019 by Chris Thayer
If you have ever seen a car coming directly toward you driving the wrong way in the incorrect lane, you were likely terrified, and with good reason. Wrong-way car accidents typically result in substantial and catastrophic injuries. These accidents commonly involve head-on collisions with massive force and impact. There are some ways you may be able to protect yourself from a wrong-way car accident and save yourself from severe injury or death.
*Common Causes of Wrong-Way Accidents*A wrong-way accident occurs when a driver is on the incorrect side of the roadway or the traffic flow. Some of the reasons that a wrong-way accident may occur include:
- Driving While Distracted. While there are several ways a driver may become distracted, by far the most common form of distracted driving today is either texting while driving or talking on a cell phone while driving.
- Drowsy Driving. Drowsy driving causes more than 6,400 deaths annually.
- Elderly drivers. Unfortunately, may elderly drivers lose the ability to see as well at night, or lose cognitive function needed to drive safely. If you have elderly loved ones, make sure that they are capable of driving before continuing to allow them behind the wheel of a car.
- Driving While Intoxicated. Many wrong-way accidents are the result of a driver being under the influence of either alcohol or drugs and making poor choices due to lowered cognitive function.
- Emergencies. There are many cases in which an emergency is the cause of a wrong-way accident. Perhaps a driver is attempting to veer away from a deer or other animal in the road, or in other cases, a driver may be having a medical emergency such as a stroke, seizure, or heart attack while on the road. Any of these scenarios could result in a wrong-way accident.
*Ways to Avoid Wrong-Way Accidents*Many wrong-way accidents are simply unavoidable. However, the following are ways you may be able to protect yourself if you see a driver headed in the wrong direction toward you:
- At night on the weekends, always use extra caution. Statistically, these are the times when more wrong-way accidents occur.
- Always fasten your seat belt every time you drive.
- Always use your own blinker to identify when you are changing lanes or exiting.
- Use common sense and slow down and stay aware at all times.
- If you see a wrong-way driver coming toward you in traffic, attempt to pull over or get off of the roadway completely and call 911 immediately.
*Contact an Experienced Car Accident Attorney Today *If you were injured due to a wrong-way car accident, contact our experienced legal team at the Pivotal Law Group at 206-340-2008. We can help you receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and help you build a strong case. If someone was driving negligently and caused your injuries, you have the right to receive monetary compensation for your damages. We proudly serve the Seattle, Bellevue, Kent, Renton, Burien, Mercer Island and Issaquah areas.