Avoid Adjuster Tactics With the Help of Your Seattle Personal Injury Lawyer
Posted Thursday, January 2, 2014 by Chris Thayer
Don’t be shocked, but the sole purpose of a claims adjuster is to deny your claim. In the realm of personal injury lawsuits, this is especially relevant. It’s also why you need an experienced Seattle personal injury lawyer filing the claim on your behalf. A good attorney who specializes in this field will know all the tricks pulled by an adjuster. Find the right Seattle personal injury attorney, and they’ll stop those tactics before they get started. Take a look at these common adjuster tricks to slow down the filing process.
Daring You to File As you file your claim, your Seattle personal injury lawyer will begin discussions with the adjuster. The initial response of the adjuster is to declare your claims are baseless. He’ll then challenge your Seattle personal injury attorney to file a lawsuit. On many levels they want that to happen because they no longer have to deal with your Seattle personal injury lawyer directly. Instead, the newly named defendants in the case will hire their own team of lawyers. The adjuster can move on to deny someone else.
Undervaluing the ClaimThe adjuster might tell your Seattle personal injury attorney that they just want this whole thing to go away, and the only way that can happen is to accept a low offer.
A strong Seattle personal injury lawyer will counter that offer for a more realistic number, beginning the negotiations process.
Waiting Out The adjuster is in no rush to settle a claim. They’ve got all the time in the world. Your Seattle personal injury lawyer understands how important settling this matter is to you and your family. They’re not going to put up with an obvious stalling tactic like extended intervals between payouts. Your lawyer understands that an insurance company makes their money by investing the cash they have on hand. That’s why they don’t want to part with the cash. However, that should have no bearing on a legitimate personal injury claim.
Let Your Seattle Personal Injury Lawyer Cut Through the Red Tape Filing a personal injury claim will mean a mountain of forms and paperwork to process. Your Seattle personal injury lawyer can help you cut through that red tape and get to the end quickly. Attorney Chris Thayer and the knowledge and experience to handle these type of matters. You can reach him at (206) 340-2008 to talk about your case.