Navigating Personal Injury Cases During a Tough Economy
Posted Thursday, December 5, 2013 by Chris Thayer
Economic troubles affect not only individuals and families but government establishments, such as the judicial system, as well. A personal injury attorney in Seattle will be familiar with the impacts and can work with claimants to form the best strategies to overcome judiciary shortcomings.
Insurance Companies May Decline NegotiationsHealth insurance companies can be responsible for paying for an injured claimant’s medical bills, but they might also receive compensation for their payments after the claimant collects a payout.
A personal injury lawyer in Seattle can sometimes negotiate with a health insurance company to reduce a claimant’s liens. However, this is usually not the case in a struggling economy. In unfavorable economic times, health insurance companies may decline to accommodate a client’s personal injury attorney in Seattle.
A Personal Injury Attorney in Seattle Could Adjust a Client’s Settlement Expectations Sluggish economies can hit some individuals hard. Add a personal injury on top of already strained finances and it is unsurprising that many personal injury claimants are worried about debt. Thus, they might hope for a generous personal injury settlement to resolve their financial troubles.
Expecting a large settlement is unrealistic for many reasons, including the following.Plaintiffs and their personal injury attorney in Seattle possess less leverage to force a settlement in a struggling economy.Insurance adjusters know that false and inflated cases become more frequent when the economy is poor and may therefore take a more rigid stance on settling.
A personal injury lawyer in Seattle can also steer plaintiffs away from rushing to accept meager settlements.
Claimants Should Expect Trials and Costs to Be AffectedIn tough financial times, the judiciary severely limits its functions. A personal injury attorney in Seattle could tell his or her clients that they should expect two things from the judicial system during financial cutbacks:Receiving a trial date will take much longer.A case will most likely cost more.
Don’t Let a Rough Economy Stop Your CaseChris Thayer is a skilled personal injury attorney in Seattle who knows how to navigate the judicial system during a poor economy. Contact him at (206) 340-2008 to discuss the details of your case.