Traits to Look for in Your Seattle Car Accident Lawyer
Posted Tuesday, October 22, 2013 by Chris Thayer
Attorneys are not always just attorneys. In fact, for a Seattle car accident lawyer, being an effective salesman is an important part of his job. Below are a few assets you should look for before hiring an attorney.
He Knows What It Takes to Get the Job DoneThe right Seattle car accident lawyer will know how to put together the relevant information about your claim in a way that makes settlement in your favor attractive to the insurance carrier. This is the salesman in your attorney. He will present your pain and suffering, lost wages, and medical costs in a way that best represents your appropriate damages from the insurance company.
He Treats the Claims Adjuster Like an EqualYou will want a Seattle car accident lawyer who is respectful to the other professionals he must interact with to reach a settlement agreement. Thus, the way he addresses the claims adjuster could have a big impact on how easily your claim is settled for a reasonable value. In essence, this is a reflection of the validity of the old adage that you can attract more bees with honey than with vinegar.
He Practices Open Communication with the AdjusterYour Seattle car accident lawyer should be free with information as your claim proceeds. If there are documents the claims adjuster is missing, a good Seattle car accident attorney will be sure a copy is sent to him.
He Is KnowledgeableThe knowledge and experience of your Seattle car accident lawyer will be invaluable to the success of your claim. This goes hand in hand with the traits mentioned above, as the knowledge your Seattle car accident attorney has about personal injury claims will directly inform what documents are needed by the adjuster.
Finding the Right AttorneyIf you have been injured in an accident that was caused by another’s negligence, you may be asking how you go about finding a Seattle car accident attorney that fits all of these attributes laid out above. Your first step is to call (206) 340-2008 for more information about representation from Chris Thayer, an experienced attorney eager to help with your claim.