Were You Injured by Someone’s Negligently Placed Holiday Decor?
Posted Friday, December 17, 2021 by Chris Thayer
It is a wonderful time of year, full of joy, gift-giving, socializing, and beautiful holiday lights. But there are always those people who take it just a bit too far. Holiday decor can be as gorgeous and festive as it is dangerous. Nothing puts an end to holiday cheer faster than a 600 volt jolt from poorly wired Christmas lights. The holidays are as full of socializing as they are rife with opportunities for injury. Extension cords negligently laid across the sidewalk, ground, or inside of a home, if not taped down or warned of, can pose serious trip-and-fall hazards that can have serious consequences, particularly for the elderly. If you have suffered an injury and incurred expenses as a result of an injury you sustained due to negligently installed or displayed holiday decorations, you may have legal options available to you to recover for your damages.
*How Can Holiday Decor be Negligent?* First off, it is important to understand that we are not being Grinchy here. Our concern is well founded. In fact, every holiday season (November and December) over 16,000 people suffer serious injuries related to holiday decorations. Although some of those injuries are caused by individual negligence, such as falling off of an icy roof while attempting to put up holiday lights, many of these injuries are caused by defective products or negligently installed decorations. Many people and businesses hang heavy decor from the ceiling, which, if not installed correctly, can fall and cause serious injury to their guests, including concussion, lacerations, eye damage, and traumatic brain injuries. Negligently maintained real Christmas trees in homes and offices pose a fire hazard which can expose guests to real danger if a fire bursts out. Amateur or over-zealous holiday decorators may also max out power-strips and electrical circuits which can also result in fires, electrocution, and other serious injuries. Decor placed in unexpected places, such as a small tree or pile of birch logs in a hallway that falls below your eye line can also cause tripping hazards. Additionally, some ornaments may be unexpectedly hot to the touch, sharp, or may shatter and cause serious injury.
*How to Know What Constitutes Negligent Holiday Decoration * There are a few different factors to consider when determining whether a person or business’ conduct rose to the level of negligence. First, you must have suffered an injury as well as financial harm (such as in the form of hospital bills, lost wages, etc.) and this injury must have been directly caused by the other party’s negligence. The other party will be considered negligent if they breached the duty of care that they owed to you. That duty will vary based on why you were on their property. For instance, a customer is owed a higher duty of care than a dinner party guest, and a trespasser is owed less than either. In general though, the court will look at whether the knew or reasonably should have known of the danger and if they made any attempt to mitigate the risk or warn you of it.
*Talk to the Pivotal Law Group* If you have suffered an injury due to another party’s negligence in Seattle, Bellevue, Kent, Renton, Burien, Mercer Island, Issaquah, and the greater Washington State area, you do not have to suffer through this alone. Contact the Pivotal Law Group and schedule a consultation today to find out how we can help you get the compensation that you are entitled to.